The Camarilla social club was a space to behold. A cross between a tawdry bar and an upscale lounge, with ghouls and mortals mingling among vampires. Certain areas were off limits to those not in certain clans or of a certain rank, with mortal access completely forbidden. Live music played from a medium size stage, clearly not completely utilized by the current band and meant for larger performances and displays. Aldert seemed to be an unusual sight. He rarely let himself be so visible in large groups, if he was in proximity of one in the first place. Patrons of all creeds were looking, chattering, and wondering what the strange looking vampire was doing there, much less accompanying the up-and-coming Ventrue star Edwin Anschen. A put-together woman in a blood colored dress approached, fondled the collar of Aldert's jacket, "You're quite the unique visitor," she looked him over, until she noticed Edwin's eyes on her. Quickly, almost sharply, she withdrew, "Enjoy your evening."

"Perhaps upstairs will suit us better." Edwin remarked curtly, motioning to stairs. A butler stood at the entrance, but nodded at Edwin and let the two pass. Upstairs was a quieter bar, whose patrons knew better than to be caught staring at one of their peer's guests. There was an area where one could stand on a balcony to see out onto the general floor and view the stage, but most of the section was out of view.

The bartender greeted the two, and offered them a drink by motioning to a woman in fairly revealing black garb. Aldert suppressed his reaction; drinking from a human made him feel sick, even the idea of it put him off now. He hadn't fully believed Isaac when he first explained, but his own experiences proved incredibly unpleasant. Edwin shook his head and ordered a bottle brought out for them. This was also blood, of course, but enchanted to stay good and develop flavor. They moved to an intimate table in one of the corners of the space, and their drinks were poured.

"I must say, this is not something I'm used to. Even a little bit." Aldert sipped at his glass.

Edwin smiled, "I thought as much, but maybe the experience is worth something to you."

"It's definitely an experience." Aldert chuckled, "Thank you for sharing it with me."

"The pleasure is all mine." Edwin raised his glass, and Aldert followed suit.

As the night went on, they sampled bloods that had been taken from intoxicated humans. Aldert enjoyed feeling drunk for the first time in decades, and leaned into the loss of inhibition. Eventually he was sat very close to Edwin and asked, "So what have I gotten myself into here? You seem to be quite the significant figure."

"You don't have to get yourself into anything." Edwin smirked and rested his chin on his fist.

"Well, that might be strictly true, but I think I would quite enjoy it, if I knew what it pertained." He sipped, "Outside of the obvious."

Edwin sighed and took a sip himself, "I've been fairly successful with the projects that have been entrusted to me. So I've been given a little more responsibility than others." He looked Aldert in the eyes, "The rest is gossip and speculation. Though I'm not opposed to it spreading."

"What kind of gossip?"

Edwin laughed, "Responsibility begets more responsibility. You're smart enough to infer."

Aldert grinned, "Maybe I'm new to politics," he leaned in close to Edwin and in a hushed tone, "but you seem Princely enough to me."

This got riotous laughter out of Edwin, "Maybe, ahh, maybe someday, Kiasyd, but god, no. Don't say that."

"Hmm." Aldert sipped again, "Well, I'll root for you, regardless."

They moved into discussing politics, Edwin educated Aldert on the very basic goings-on of the Camarilla. The trouble in America, the encroachment of the Sabbat, the Ventrue aspirations and infighting. Aldert found himself fascinated by real life recounting of events. Instead of reading history in an account, here he had a chance to experience it as it happened. It was unfortunate it required so much contact with the general populace. Despite the company, the drink, the excitement, he found himself craving a dark room with no prying eyes. Kindred were less rude about it up here, but their eyes still lingered on him, whispers were still passed. Especially as the two got closer. They weren't the only pair of their kind up there - two Toreador women nuzzled each other at the bar counter - but Aldert overheard enough to know it was apparently unusual for Edwin to entertain flirtation. Add that to his own striking appearance, and of course there were eyes on them. Edwin, for his part, didn't seem to mind. It was probably normal for him to ignore chatter about himself. Aldert felt it weighing on him, however.

Edwin picked up on this, abruptly raising to his feet and offering his hand to Aldert in assistance. Maybe he was imagining it, but Aldert swore it got a little quieter as he accepted and placed his palm in the other man's and stood. Edwin released his hand and dusted off his jacket, "I think that's enough of this place for tonight." He looked meaningfully at Aldert, who gladly followed him out of the club and through the streets, to the upscale but not swanky apartment building Edwin inhabited.

Edwin's haven seemed to be fairly secure. Aldert noticed it was mostly staffed by ghouls, and the other vampires he saw certainly had that haughty Ventrue air about them. The haven itself was a spacious set of rooms, with a kitchen, a powder room, and a bathroom with a large clawfoot tub. The curtains were all thick, and drawn close. In the lounge was an ice bucket, half melted but with an aged bottle of blood set inside it. Edwin spotted Aldert's gaze and grinned sheepishly, "We both talked a little longer than I expected. I had a servant set it up. Nothing fancy, but I hope that wasn't presumptuous."

"Well, I'm here, aren't I?" Aldert moved to the sofa and stretched himself out as he reached for the bottle, uncorking it, "You know much more about my kind than I expected."

Edwin joined him on the sofa, despite Aldert taking up the length of it. He took the bottle from the other man and poured it carefully into crystal, "You're not the only one who enjoys a bit of research."

"You knew when we first met, didn't you?"

"Of course, I've got to be somewhat educated after all."

"Ah, your aspirations." Aldert sat up as he drank, and gently pressed his torso into Edwin's back, "Oh, but I shouldn't say."

"Not where others can hear, at least." Edwin smiled and put his hand over Aldert's to tip the Kiasyd's cup to his own lips, "We're going to cause enough gossip as it is."

"Was that your aim with taking me out?"

"Maybe. Give them something more interesting to talk about." Edwin looked seriously into Aldert's dark eyes, "That doesn't mean I'm not enchanted by you. It's not, well, usual for me. But it is the case."

"Hmm." Aldert recovered his glass and drank, then placed it on the end table, "I'll accept it."

The second the glass clinked on the table, Edwin's lips were on his. It was amazing how quickly the carefully built tension came crashing down around them, both men groping at each other and kissing deeply. As Aldert started undoing the buttons on Edwin's vest, the Ventrue stood up and grabbed his hand, leading him to a bedroom. Aldert would normally try to take in the detail, to study what it all implied about its resident, but at this moment he didn't give a shit. He kept working at Edwin's clothes, and Edwin at his, and the garments came off much more quickly and much less carefully than they went on. Lips locked, they fell clumsily to the bed, Edwin on top of Aldert. Edwin paused, as if realizing where they were, and gazed at Aldert. He ran his hands up the other man's torso, a hungry look in his eyes, even as they met Aldert's.

"You're beautiful."

Aldert had heard it from Isaac before, but from Edwin it felt more sincere. He reached his hand up into Edwin's curls and pulled his face close, while his other hand explored his chest, teasing and running through the hair there. Aldert had never been hairy, even before he was turned, but it seemed his Kiasyd transformation left him with almost nothing. Edwin, on the other hand, looked basically human. His eyebrows and body hair were a darker shade, and highlighted his muscular physique. A few scars etched his sides, and Aldert traced them with his fingers. Edwin brought a hand to Aldert's cheek and leaned in to kiss him again. Aldert arched into him, and groaned when his erection pressed into Edwin's thigh. Edwin smiled and repositioned himself, straddling the taller man. He grabbed a handful of Aldert's long white hair from the base of his neck, and pulled it gently as he grabbed Aldert's dick. The kiasyd moaned and followed suit, stroking Edwin and pulling him closer. They kept their hands on each other as they pressed themselves together, rubbing their cocks and their hands together breathlessly.

"Fuck," Aldert moaned, nuzzling his face into the crook of Edwin's neck. He almost followed the instinct to bite, to heighten their connection, but Edwin interrupted with his lips at Aldert's ear, first pulling on his earlobe, then tentatively asking, "Can I fuck you?"

Just the question made him moan, and his cock twitched in Edwin's grip. The Ventrue laughed, and Aldert answered, "Yes, yes, fuck yes you can."

Reluctant to do anything to shorten their contact, Aldert pulled his legs up, letting Edwin position himself as he ran kisses up the blonde's neck and shoulders. He whined a bit as Edwin fell out of reach, and whined differently when he felt a drizzle of warm oil on his cock. Edwin rubbed it onto him, and onto himself, and down Aldert to his ass. The Kiasyd groaned deeply as Edwin worked a finger into him, swirling it and pressing it just where it needed to go. A second finger quickly joined it, and Edwin leaned down to place kisses across Aldert's chest. He sucked and nibbled at his nipples, and at one stronger bite, Aldert moaned out, "Please, please."

Edwin grinned up at him, releasing his cock. Aldert whined at the loss of contact, "Edwin, please."

"Please..." His tone tilted up, indicating for Aldert to elaborate.

"Fuck, please fuck me, fuck me."

Edwin practically growled, pulled his fingers out, and positioned his cock. Aldert kept begging until the tip was fully pressed inside him, at which point he groaned and relaxed, letting the other man slowly work his way in to the hilt. Edwin stayed still for a moment, savoring the feeling of being enveloped by this beautiful, otherworldly man, but his reverie was interrupted when Aldert started shifting his hips, working himself on Edwin's cock. He knew this was Aldert getting impatient, begging without words, but now he had another image to savor: the needy Kiasyd fucking himself with increasing frenzy, trying desperately to get Edwin to react.

There was only so long he could hold back, and they both let out powerful groans as Edwin pulled himself back and started giving Aldert the fucking he was asking for. Edwin pressed his whole body into the other man, as close as he could get, and Aldert wrapped his long arms around him, tearing into his back. The wounds healed practically as soon they were made, but traces of blood caught under Aldert's nails and left trails, marking him. Aldert used his legs to pull Edwin in closer, forcing him to stay deep inside. It didn't slow the Ventrue down; he fucked just as hard. Aldert's erection pressed into his stomach and rubbed against it as he moved. Aldert's moans pitched higher, and Edwin reached for his cock, encouraging him. "Come for me. I want to feel you come for me."

That was all Aldert needed. His entire body tensed, vision blurring, and his cum spurted across both their chests, smearing as Edwin kept fucking him. He felt himself tensing on Edwin's cock, feeling even more full for a moment, and then even more full as Edwin plunged as deeply as he could with a growl, releasing himself deep inside. Edwin's arms trembled at the effort of supporting himself after coming so hard, and he fell into Aldert's chest. He reached up to hold him as his cock kept spasming inside him. Aldert let his legs fall, but kept his arms wrapped around Edwin, now gently running his fingers along his back, up his neck, through his hair, wherever he could reach.

Eventually, Edwin pushed himself up. He pressed his forehead to Aldert's and looked deeply into his eyes. They quickly kissed, and Edwin pulled himself out. He looked at his handiwork. An utterly fucked Aldert lay before him: cum running down his ass, as flushed as a vampire could be, semi hard cock rested on his bare stomach, smeared in his own cum, bedspread twisted and wrinkled under him. Edwin felt his cock twitch again at the sight, and leaned back in to kiss Aldert, less ravenous this time but plenty intense.

Aldert put a gentle hand on his chest and smiled wide, "I thought you said this wasn't usual for you."

Edwin laughed and reached his hand into Aldert's hair, "I think I'd be happy if it could be."

"Mm." Aldert agreed, "I think we could manage that."

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