
the boys


full name: matsuo saito

age: 26 height: 5'9"

he goes by mat with most people, out of habit more than anything else. he kind of likes being called his full name, but he feels like it would be annoying at this point to get people to switch to matsuo, and he doesn’t care enough to confront that social anxiety demon.
anxious as fuck; king of panic attacks. gay but had a really hard time coming to terms with that for a lot of reasons. grey-ace. he's smart, kinda co-dependent, trying to be better, a bit of a fuckup.
mat smokes a lot of weed. he makes music, mostly electronic stuff. his day job is half programming half IT. he's very online, but mostly in weird spaces/communities. he does love to go to the normal club every so often. he definitely thinks he's too good for normal pop music - no one tell him that normal pop music from france is still normal pop music. incredibly easy to fluster and embarrass, easier the more in public he is and the less he knows someone. if you hit on him he's turning red, simple as.

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full name: kazmer daley

age: 28 height: 5'11"

no one calls him kazmer. he doesn’t hate it, it’s just really weird to hear. okay, maybe he hates it.
bi alcoholic slut who doesn't really have goals. he's realizing that maybe this isn't the best way to be alive, if he can even decide that he wants to be alive. basically only likes himself if he's feeling fuckable or useful. not just a bit of a fuckup - total fuckup.
kaz mainly works as a bartender, but he also works at a bakery. he studied archaeology in college. kaz is big into going to shows and getting fucked up in the pit (and otherwise). he does not give even a little bit of a fuck about the internet. he would love to be annoying about leftist politics at you. he would also love if you could pretend you didn't see him stealing shots of the well liquor at his bar, thaaaanks.

in-depth history
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their friends


full name: thomas richardson

mat's best friend since third grade - really more like his brother. he's a dj and wfh bookkeeper, weed grower and enjoyer. extremely chill and hard to faze, but protective of mat. content to go without talking to anyone for weeks, but will also go to any social thing he’s invited to. huge archive of files he’s pirated, mostly music. aroace


full name: amy turner

mat's best friend since high school. she's a project manager at an ngo, and an avid reader. super social, enjoys setting up events and attends a lot of clubs for her interests when she has time. the friend who always invites you to shit where you only know her but she knows everyone so you’re just kinda there, but she’s so happy you came that you accept every invite anyway. cishet


full name: jaimie kumari

kaz's roommate turned bff since around the end of college. she's hopping around between temp jobs. jaimie likes antiques and esoterica but can’t afford much of either. super dark sense of humor and a tendency to not be able to read the room for if it’s appropriate. kind of wishes she went to mortuary school. ace lesbian


full name: kimmy gonzalez

kaz's ride or die bff. they met in college. she's a piercer at a tattoo shop, and an artist who mostly paints and does collage. craft fair zine collector. calls all her friends babe, supportive and straightforward, will fight a bitch for you. dating ray for a while now. bi


full name: ray scott

kaz's friend who's like... well they're also best friends but it's less because of an innate compatibility and more because they've been through some shit together. ray's a mail room office worker, writer, dark cowboy. uses a lot of christian swears. kind of guy to get real worried about his friends and overthink things. he bounces from most awkward social situations quickly and decisively. cishet