about this site

hi, i'm alfie. they/them. i've had a professional website for a while, but i realized i have nowhere to put my decidedly unprofessional work outside of social media. which is a problem, because after 30 years of life i'm finally confident about writing and drawing sex scenes and those aren't really allowed on the good social media sites (tumblr). i don't know how to make a website!

about these stories

i've been writing and thinking about mat and kaz since... my god, i just checked, since fucking 2009. so you can imagine all the terribly embarrassing iterations of personhood they've been through. this most recent version of them has been a work in progress since summer 2023, when i decided i needed to think about them again, but by god i did not want to think about school. if their jobs seem miserable, well, they say to write what you know.

aldert and edwin were npcs for a VTM campaign i ran in college. i got pretty attached to them but i didn't really get to explore their stories too much. because i'm not a shit dm who's gonna make you listen to stuff that doesn't matter to you or your characters. but they mattered to me :'). so here i am, writing out timelines and trying to piece together bits of lore so their plot makes sense in the canon of a now-defunct vampire ttrpg. did you know white wolf didn't give a fuck about philly? lucky for me! anything is canon!

paramordial was my first attempt at NaNoWriMo in 2019. it's not super original, but i just need to get it out at this point. the plot is not complicated, but the descriptions of gore and horrible creatures are - which is the part i'm more proud of and have more fun with, anyway. i think plot-wise it would make a way better comic, so i did kinda start a prequel chapter. but i had a lot of shit going on. i'll get back to it.

credits for templates and bg images:

most of the website pages and bg images are thanks to sadgrl.

homepage layout thanks to EGGRAMEN.

my portfolio website:

the name was from when i tried to learn norwegian and was also making jewelry with dead things. silver bone. in germany it read as "silver leg" so everyone thought it was a middle school warrior cat name, which also works.